As Rough As It May Seem,It's Still Steady As You Go...
A hundred and fifty years ago, the Newfoundland Government began providing a regular mail and freight service to the small fishing villages scattered along the coastline.
The very basic service was considered a luxury for people whose communication to an outside world, until then, was by dangerous fishing boats that sailed from St. John's in the spring and returned in the fall.
Time and progress have reduced the coastal boat service to a pale imitation of its former self, but there are still a few isolated villages to which there are no roads. Their way in and out is still wedded to the past; still wedded to the sea.
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US Vetoes G-7 Shadow Fleet Task Force Plan, Signals More Change
By Donato Paolo Mancini, Samy Adghirni and Laura Dhillon Kane Mar 8, 2025
(Bloomberg) –The US has rejected a Canadian proposal to establish a task
force th...
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