Israeli military denies warship violated Lebanese waters earlier this week
The Israeli military has denied claims by the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) that one of the Jewish state's warships violated Lebanese territorial waters earlier this week.
The denial was carried late Tuesday evening by several Israeli Web sites, including those of the Haaretz and Jerusalem Post newspapers.
In a statement issued Tueday, the LAF said an Israeli warship briefly entered Lebanese waters on Monday but was intercepted by an Italian ship operating as part of the naval component of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).
"An Israeli Saar-class warship entered Lebanese territorial waters at 7:30 a.m. yesterday morning before being intercepted by the Italian Navy's Bettica, which is part of UNIFIL," an LAF spokesman told AFP.
The Israeli vessel traveled 5 kilometers before leaving, according to the LAF statement.
Israeli jets regularly violate Lebanese airspace, but it is rare for warships to enter Lebanese territorial waters.
Yasmina Bouziane, spokeswoman for UNIFIL said an investigation was under way.
"We received a report saying a ship coming from Israel entered the maritime area of operation without proper procedures, violating Lebanese territorial waters," she said.
"UNIFIL is investigating this issue and UNIFIL command has contacted the Israeli Army."
The overflights, which are in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701 have drawn criticism from Lebanese authorities and the international community.
Tensions have risen along the Lebanese-Israeli border since Hizbullah's leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, warned that his group would "not remain silent" following the February 12 assassination of top Hizbullah commander Imad Mughniyeh, which it blames on Israel. The Jewish state denies any involvement.
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